Dale Partridge challenges Christians to revaluate if they’re
pursuing success through the Word of God or through
the broken practices of today’s culture.

About The Book

When Dale Partridge’s outwardly perfect life, marriage, and family were crumbling on the inside, he began questioning if culture's definition of success was something to seek after or to be saved from. What he found challenged everything he believed about "the good life” and equipped him to rebuild an even better life upon God's timeless principles. Filled with scripture and practical application, Saved From Success is the book millions of burnt-out and disatisfied Christians have been waiting for.

Culture Vs. Christian

With beautiful design, layout, and illustrations Dale Partridge amplifies not only the reader experience but the stark contrast between the wisdom of culture and the wisdom of Christ.

  • Jacketless Hardcover
  • Short Read (120 minute read time)
  • Provocative ideas
  • Powerful quotes
  • Practical application

Pre-Order Bonuses

If you buy your copy of Saved From Success before April 17, 2018, you’ll receive Dale’s micro video course and extensive PDF studyguide.

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Study Guide
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About Dale Partridge

Widely known as an online thought leader on faith, family, and manhood; Dale is also a Bible teacher and blogger read by millions.

He and his wife operate a non-profit minstry (RelearnChurch.org) which spearheads a provocative conversation about bringing the Church back to the Bible. Together, they live with their three children on a farm in Bend, Oregon.

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